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White Masterbatch

A white masterbatch is a type of polymer additive used in the plastics industry to impart a white or opaque color to plastic products. It is essentially a concentrated mixture of white pigment or filler materials dispersed in a polymer carrier resin. The primary purpose of a white masterbatch is to achieve consistent and uniform coloration in plastic products during the manufacturing process.


Here are some key characteristics and components of a white masterbatch:

Pigments or Fillers: The main component of a white masterbatch is the pigment or filler material responsible for providing the desired white color or opacity. Common pigments used include titanium dioxide (TiO2), which is a widely used white pigment in the plastics industry. Other fillers and additives may be used to enhance properties like opacity, brightness, and UV resistance.

Polymer Carrier: The pigments or fillers are incorporated into a polymer carrier resin, which is typically a compatible thermoplastic polymer. Popular carrier resins include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Concentration: White masterbatches are highly concentrated formulations, often containing a pigment-to-resin ratio of 10% to 75% or more. The concentration depends on the specific application and the desired level of color or opacity.

Compatibility: It's essential to select a white masterbatch that is compatible with the base polymer to ensure good dispersion and color consistency. Different plastics may require different masterbatches.

Application: White masterbatches are used in various plastic processing methods, including extrusion, injection molding, blow molding, and more. They are employed in a wide range of industries, such as packaging, automotive, consumer goods, construction, and healthcare, to produce white or opaque plastic products.

Benefits: Using white masterbatches offers several advantages, including cost-effectiveness (compared to using pre-colored resins), precise color control, uniform color distribution, improved opacity, and reduced inventory management for manufacturers.

Customization: Manufacturers can customize white masterbatches to meet specific requirements, such as opacity levels, UV resistance, or compliance with regulatory standards for food contact or other applications.

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Oceanic Plastic Solution LLP offers different Colour & Additive solutions for water transportation applications.